Resolutions as adopted on May 12, 2006
The strategic plan of the Pan African Parliament
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):RECALLING its power to establish Permanent Committees for the proper and effective discharge of its mandates;ACKNOWLEDGING that, the effective and efficient operations of the Committees is dependant on facilitation by, among others, Action Plans for the implementation of the Strategic Plan;AWARE that, the Action Plans of all Committees were finalized and adopted in the Fifth Ordinary Session; NOW THEREFORE RESOLVE:To urge the Bureau to intensify the efforts in resource mobilization to ensure the effective implementation of the Pan African Parliament Strategic Plan.Audit of Constitutions of member states of the AU
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):COGNISANT of Rule 26(9) of the Rules of Procedure, which states that, the Committee on Justice and Human Rights shall, amongst other things, "assist Parliament in its role of harmonizing and coordinating the laws of Member States; promote respect for and develop sound principles of freedom, civil liberties, justice and human and people’s rights and fundamental rights within the Union";CONCERNED about the violation of human rights and suppression of civil liberties in African countries; HEREBY RESOLVE:To conduct an audit of constitutions of Member States of the AU and work closely with the AU Commission on People’s and Human Rights.Resolution on the violation of human rights on women and children in the Darfur region of the Sudan
(RESOLUTION NO. PAP - RES. 003/2006)
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):COGNISANT of the fact that, there is serious violation of human rights on women and children in the Darfur Region of The Sudan;DETERMINED to promote the principles of human rights in all parts of Africa.THEREFORE RESOLVE, THAT:PAP send a mission comprising of members of the Permanent Committee on Gender, Family, Youth and People with Disability to the Darfur Region of The Sudan and conduct gender assessment and report at the Sixth Ordinary Session.ANNEXURE (2):
Recommendations as adopted on May 12, 2006
Recommendations on peace and security issues in Africa
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):DEEPLY CONCERNED by the resurgence of and the proliferation of armed conflicts in Africa;MINDFUL of its objective to promote peace, security and stability;CONSIDERING THAT the conflicts are caused, by among others, the lack of democracy, poor governance, poor leadership, corruption, manipulation of processes of accession to and retention of political office, in addition to ethnic conflicts;APPRECIATING THE concerted effort spear headed by the African Union with the support of the United Nations and development partners to find long-term solutions to the armed conflicts in the Cote D’ I’voire;The Sudan, Chad, ,the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Great Lakes Region;THEREFORE RECOMMENDS, THAT:1.The African Union (AU) should develop a mechanism to enforce the provisions of the Constitutive Act concerning the promotion of peace, security and stability on the African Continent.2.The on going efforts be intensified to secure lasting peace in Cote D’ Ivoire, The Sudan, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the Great Lakes Region.3.The conflict prevention mechanism established under the auspices of the ACP should be operationalised.4.All peace agreements should be signed and respected by all parties, especially, the recent Darfur Peace Agreement signed in Abuja.5.The ongoing peace efforts led by the AU with the support of the United Nation and others are intensified to secure lasting peace.Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):REAFFIRMING the key role of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as building blocks for the integration, social-political and economic development for the African Continent;CONCERNED at the proliferation of Regional Economic Communities and their overlapping mandates;FURTHER CONCERNED that, the proliferation of RECs has resulted into multiple membership, thus, negating the capacity to meet several financial obligations to the RECs;APPRECIATIVE of the on going efforts led by the African Union (AU) to rationalize and harmonize the mandates, roles and objectives of the RECs;RECALLING the obligation of Pan African Parliament pursuant to Article 3(9) of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament which state that, "PAP should facilitate cooperation among Regional Economic Communities and their Parliamentary Fora", to establish a working relationship with RECs and the need for PAP to contribute to the rationalization and harmonization of the RECs;THEREFORE RECOMMENDS, THAT:1.The efforts so far undertaken by the African Union(AU) in the rationalisation and the harmonisation of the RECs be sustained;2.The participants in the efforts to rationalise and harmonise RECs should include the in-put of parliamentarians, civil society , private sector and the appropriate organs of the AU; and3.All reports on the processes to harmonise and rationalise RECs should be submitted to PAP at the end of every Financial Year of the African Union.New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):APPALLED by the prevalent underdevelopment and the poor living conditions of the African people;NOTING that, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) is a product of a number of continental initiatives aimed at boosting the social economic and political development on the Continent;CONCERNED at the inadequate coordination and possible overlapping between the activities and mandates AU organs and NEPAD;FURTHER CONCERNED that, despite the significant progress achieved in the implementation of NEPAD, the involvement of the various sectors of civil society, is still lacking and activities and achievements of NEPAD are not sufficiently publicised;BEARING IN MIND that, the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), promoted by NEPAD, among others, is an important mechanism to strengthen good governance in Africa;THEREFORE RECOMMEND, That:1.The AU should urgently implement the AU Summit Decision of 2003, taken in Maputo (Maputo Decision), in relation to the integration of NEPAD into AU processes; and strengthen the NEPAD Secretariat to ensure that, it is fully capacitated to play its role within the provisions of the Maputo Decision.2.REITERATES ITS RECOMMENDATION calling on AU Member States to accede to the APRM and set for themselves time frames within which this should be done, and calls upon the APRM Forum to present APRM country reports to the PAP.Implementation of the AU and PAP budgets
Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):CONSIDERING the objectives of PAP, pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to The Pan African Parliament;RECALLING that, the same Protocol at Article 11(2) empowers the PAP to discuss the budget of the Union and make recommendations thereon prior to its approval by the Assembly;REALISING that, the Member States do not regularly honour their contributions which has an impact on the Budget of the African Union and consequentially on the funding of its activities;HEREBY RECOMMEND, THAT:1.The budget of the AU be submitted to PAP and debated upon prior to approval by the Assembly of the Heads of State.2.The PAP Budget be approved by the Assembly pursuant to provisions of Article 11 of the Protocol.3.Member States should endeavour to, regularly and in timely manner honour their contributions.Malaria, Tuberclosis and HIV/AIDS
The Pan African Parliament, (PAP):CONSIDERING that, Malaria, Tuberclosis and HIV/AIDS remain the major killer diseases on the African Continent;AWARE that, these diseases pose a major threat to the national and continental socio-economic-political development, peace and security;FULLY SUPPORTING the Abuja Declaration for the accelerated action towards eradication of Malaria, Tuberclosis and HIV/AIDS.HEREBY RECOMMEND, THAT:The Member States of the AU should introduce legislation in their National Parliaments as well as mechanisms for monitoring the control of Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.Trade, customs and immigration
The Pan-African Parliament, (PAP):CONSIDERING the important work on the rationalization of the Regional Economic Communities; andNOTING the report of the Permanent Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters;RECOGNIZING the importance of harmonization of laws, protocols and treaties governing trade, immigration and customs within the African Continent;FURTHER RECOGNIZING the importance of the development of continental trade and the free movement of people and their impact on reducing conflicts over resources.RECOMMEND THAT:1.Member States of the AU should ratify the protocols and agreements governing trade, customs and immigration.2.Member States of the AU should harmonise laws and procedures governing trade, customs and immigration in order to enhance access to African common market.3.Member States of the AU should speed up the establishment of the African Chamber of Commerce.4.Member States of the AU should seek collective solutions to the phenomenon of immigration.5.Member States of the AU, should adopt joint initiatives in support of African agricultural, industrial and tourism sectors to improve the economic base of Africa and thus reduce the brain train from Africa.