Recommendation on the conflict in Chad

African Union

Recommendation on the conflict in Chad

  • Published on 31 December 2006
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2006.]
  • [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2006 because the work was published during the course of the year 2006.]
The Pan-African Parliament,TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the Report of the PAP Mission to Chad;BEARING IN MIND the suffering caused to the people of Chad by the conflict since independence;DEEPLY CONCERNED about the fact the frequency of armed conflicts in Chad has impeded the country’s development;WHEREAS the non-respect of the provisions of the Constitution and the organization of elections constitute, among other factors, the causes of the armed conflict of 13 April 2006;CONSIDERING the opinion shared by Chadians that this conflict should be settled through dialogue between Chadians on the one hand, and through sub-regional consultation, on the other hand;AWARE of the implications of the Darfour war on the stability of Chad;
1.That AU encourage and be involved in the dialogue initiated by Chadians;
2.That AU take necessary measures to contain the effects of the Darfour conflict in order to prevent the Sudanese refugee camps in Chadian territory from serving as pretext for Djandjawid incursions;
3.That the people of Chad embark on a national dialogue process for the resolution of their internal political problems;
4.That AU facilitate the organization of dialogue among Chadians so as to achieve a national consensus on issues concerning the settlement of disputes at the national level and promote lasting peace and good governance;
5.That AU, drawing on the spirit of the Tripoli Agreement, assist countries of the sub-region to find a lasting solution to the border conflicts.
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