Resolution to thank ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

African Union

Resolution to thank ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly

That the Pan-African Parliament Resolves:
1.To thank the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly which met in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, November 21-24, 2005 for its recognition of the Pan-African Parliament in its Resolutionl on the role of national parliaments in implementing the Cotonou Partnership Agreement and;
2.To note with gratitude its further Resolution to support the regional initiative of the United Nations, with the European Parliament, the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the South African Parliament, to strengthen parliaments' capacity in information exchange and management, including also through information and communication technologies (ICTs);
3.To place on the Agenda of the Pan-African Parliament the Resolution calling on the ACP Parliamentary Assembly, the Pan-African Parliament and other regional and sub-regional parliaments in the ACP to promote and immediately institute exchanges of information and exemplary practice on cooperation strategies/initiatives with a view to strengthening the role of parliaments;To support the proposal that regional meetings be set up within the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly to provide appropriate frameworks for developing exchange of information on best practices with a view to strengthening the role of parliaments;
5.To support the call for national parliaments to organize public hearings on the development cooperation policy choices within the ACP-EU partnership and on the implementation of aid and thus act as a two-way channel between the institutions and non-State actors as a whole.
6.To reiterate that strengthening the role of African Parliaments in fostering democracy and good governance through knowledge and information management will be a key institutional and political objective of the Pan-African Parliament;
7.To applaud the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs for its four-year Africa i-Parliaments Action Plan to, among many objectives, empower African Parliaments to build their information and knowledge management capacities;
8.To recognize that the multi-faceted assistance this plan will give to the Pan-African Parliament in particular will, in part, support the Strategic Plan of PAP in providing tools to enable its oversight capacity, support inter-parliamentary cooperation, collaboration and regional integration, assist in the development of access to information and the harmonization of legal and regulatory frameworks and develop an African Cooperative Parliamentary Portal;
9.To assure UNDESA of the cooperation the Pan-African Parliament in the implementation of this critically important Endeavour.
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