Resolution for the popularisation and evaluation of NEPAD

African Union

Resolution for the popularisation and evaluation of NEPAD

  • Published on 31 December 2006
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2006.]
  • [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2006 because the work was published during the course of the year 2006.]
THE PANAFRICAN PARLIAMENT,COMMENDING the collaboration of the NEPAD Secretariat whose Reports, have enabled Members of Parliament to discuss to what extent NEPAD programmes have been implemented to date;CONSIDERING that the efficiency and positive results of PAP Committees that exercise authority over the NEPAD process depend on the financial and human resources put at their disposal to carry out their Action Plans;RECALLING that all these activities have been programmed for implementation;TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the oversight mandate of PAP with regard to the ongoing policies and programmes of NEPAD;CONSIDERING the obstacles that impede upon NEPAD achievements, relating to funding, regulatory frameworks and the lack of regional and continental harmonisation of laws, treaties and protocols;CONSIDERING the gap that exists between the Developed World and the African Continent, in research relating to science and ICT (information, communication, technology);CONSIDERING previous Recommendations PAP-REC 002/4 and PAP-REC 006/04 of the 2nd and 3rd PAP Ordinary Sessions respectively;
1.URGES the NEPAD Secretariat to undertake the popularisation of its programmes in each Member Country, by mobilising the media and organising seminars and conferences;
2.URGES the NEPAD Secretariat to invite PAP Members to attend its workshops and meetings to fully inform Members of Parliament of its work;
3.URGES the PAP Bureau, together with the NEPAD Secretariat, to organise a specific schedule of meetings between them and the PAP Committees, at national, regional and continental levels;
4.URGES the PAP Bureau to initiate all forms of action which can lead to the organisation of a forum to bring together the African Diaspora and African scientists in particular to enable their involvement in the development of Africa;
5.URGES the Committee on Transport, Industry, Communications, Energy, Science and Technology to implement its Action Plans, which for 2007 involve organising Parliamentary Days in each Member State of the African Union and meetings in each sub-region;
6.REQUESTS all its Members to gather, within the framework of their National Parliaments, all information relating to their respective countries (statistics, legal texts, Conventions, Treaties and Protocols) and to forward them to PAP with the aim of building up a database relating to the fields of transport, industry, communications, energy, science and technology.
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